11. What characters are used to construct selectors in CSS?

  • Space (" "): selects descendant elements.
  • " > " (greater-than): selects direct children.
  • " + " (plus): selects the first sibling.
  • " ~ " (tilde): selects all siblings.
  • " # " (hash): identifies an element by ID.
  • " . " (dot): identifies elements by class.
  • " : " (colon): pseudo-classes.
  • " , " (comma): groups selectors.
  • " * " (asterisk): selects all elements.
  • Selector conjunction: more precise selection of elements.
/* Examples */ div p { /* Space - selects all <p> inside <div> */ color: red; } div > p { /* Selects direct children <p> inside <div> */ color: blue; } h2 + p { /* Selects the first <p> element directly after <h2> */ color: green; } h2 ~ p { /* Selects all <p> elements after <h2> */ color: orange; } #myId { /* Selects the element with id="myId" */ color: purple; } .myClass { /* Dot - selects all elements with class "myClass" */ color: pink; } a:hover { /* Colon - selects links in hover state */ color: brown; } h1, h2, h3 { /* Comma - selects all <h1>, <h2>, <h3> */ color: gray; } * { /* Asterisk - selects all elements */ margin: 0; } div.button { /* Selector conjunction - selects <div> elements with class "button" */ background-color: yellow; }
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