Web browsers cannot directly read or interpret JSX (JavaScript XML) or TSX (TypeScript XML). JSX and TSX are syntactic extensions of JavaScript and TypeScript that allow writing HTML-like code directly in JavaScript/TypeScript files. They are commonly used in libraries and frameworks like React to define components.
For browsers to understand and execute JSX/TSX code, it must be processed by build tools such as Babel (for JSX) or the TypeScript Compiler (for TSX). These tools convert JSX/TSX code into standard JavaScript that browsers can interpret and execute.
Example of the conversion process:
- Source JSX code:
const element = <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;
- After processing with Babel:
const element = React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hello, world!');
Similarly, TSX code must be processed by the TypeScript Compiler to transform types and JSX syntax into plain JavaScript.
In summary, web browsers cannot directly read JSX/TSX. Instead, the code must be processed and converted into standard JavaScript before it can be loaded by the browser.