29. How does TypeScript's Declaration Merging feature work? Provide a scenario where it is useful.

TypeScript's Declaration Merging feature allows multiple declarations of the same identifier to be merged within the same namespace. This means you can declare a type or interface multiple times, and TypeScript will combine these declarations into one, enabling you to add new properties or methods to existing interfaces or namespaces.


interface User { name: string; } interface User { age: number; } const user: User = { name: 'John', age: 30 };

In this case, the User interface is declared twice, but TypeScript merges these declarations into one interface with both name and age properties. This is particularly useful when working with third-party libraries, where you may want to extend existing interfaces to add new methods or properties.

Example of use in third-party libraries:

declare module 'react' { interface ComponentProps { myCustomProp: string; } } declare module 'react' { interface ComponentProps { myOtherProp: number; } }

In this example, TypeScript will merge both declarations into a single ComponentProps interface, allowing both myCustomProp and myOtherProp to be used in React components.

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