29. What does CI/CD mean? What's the usage of it?

CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) is a set of practices and tools that automate the process of building, testing, and deploying applications. CI/CD helps deliver code to production quickly and reliably.

Advantages of CI/CD:

  1. Faster deployment: Automating the deployment process allows for quicker and more frequent changes to be introduced to production.
  2. Higher code quality: Automated tests detect errors early, improving code quality and reducing the risk of failures.
  3. Early error detection: Errors are detected and fixed early in the software development lifecycle, reducing the cost of repairs.
  4. Fewer manual tasks: Automation reduces the number of manual tasks, increasing team efficiency and allowing focus on more valuable tasks.
  5. Consistency across environments: CI/CD ensures that all environments (development, testing, production) are consistent and compliant with requirements.

Example of using CI/CD with Jenkins:

pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Build') { steps { sh 'npm install' } } stage('Test') { steps { sh 'npm test' } } stage('Deploy') { steps { sh 'npm run deploy' } } } }

CI/CD is a crucial component of modern development processes, enabling faster and more reliable software delivery.

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