40. What are plugins in Webpack and how do you use them?

Plugins in Webpack are tools that extend its functionality and allow for more advanced tasks such as asset optimization, environment management, or injecting global variables.

How plugins work:

  1. Installation: Plugins are usually installed as npm packages.
  2. Configuration: They are added to the plugins section in the Webpack configuration file.

Example of using the HtmlWebpackPlugin:

const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: './src/index.html' }) ] };

Popular Webpack plugins:

  1. HtmlWebpackPlugin: Automatically generates an HTML file and injects scripts into it.
  2. CleanWebpackPlugin: Cleans the output directory before each build.
  3. MiniCssExtractPlugin: Extracts CSS into separate files.
  4. DefinePlugin: Injects global variables into the application code.
  5. UglifyJsPlugin: Minifies JavaScript code.

Webpack plugins enable extending and customizing the build process to fit the specific needs of a project.

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