53. What are devDependencies and dependencies in package.json?

In the package.json file, dependencies and devDependencies are sections that define the external libraries required by the project.


  • Description: These are packages required to run the application in a production environment. They typically include libraries that are essential for the application to function, such as express for a server application.
  • How to add:
npm install <package-name> --save
  • Example in package.json:
"dependencies": { "express": "^4.17.1" }


  • Description: These are packages required only during the development of the project and are not needed in a production environment. They include testing, compiling, building tools, and other development utilities like jest or webpack.
  • How to add:
npm install <package-name> --save-dev
  • Example in package.json:
"devDependencies": { "jest": "^26.6.3", "webpack": "^5.24.4" }


  • dependencies: Installed when the project is deployed on a production server.
  • devDependencies: Installed only in a development environment.

The distinction between dependencies and devDependencies allows for efficient dependency management, ensuring that only necessary packages are deployed to the production environment.

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