31. What are the differences between `opacity` and `visibility` in CSS?

opacity and visibility are CSS properties used to control the visibility of elements, but they have different effects on the page layout and interaction with elements.


  • Sets the transparency of an element.
  • Values range from 0 (completely transparent) to 1 (completely opaque).
  • The element remains in the document and occupies space.
  • The element is still interactive even when transparent.


.element { opacity: 0.5; }


  • Controls whether an element is visible or hidden.
  • visible - the element is visible.
  • hidden - the element is hidden but still occupies space in the layout.
  • collapse - used in tables, removes the row or column and frees up space.
  • Hidden elements are not interactive.


.element { visibility: hidden; }


  • opacity changes the transparency of an element, but the element remains in the layout and is interactive.
  • visibility hides the element but retains its place in the layout and removes its interactivity.
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