7. How do you hide an element on a webpage using CSS?

You can use various CSS properties to hide an element:

  • display: none;: completely removes the element from the document, and it does not take up any space.
  • visibility: hidden;: hides the element, but it still occupies space in the layout.
  • opacity: 0;: hides the element by setting its opacity to zero, and it still occupies space in the layout.
  • height: 0; width: 0; overflow: hidden: hides element by changing it's dimensions to 0x0 and hiding content not fitting inside it
/* Examples */ .hidden-element { display: none; /*Element is not visible and does not take up space */ } .invisible-element { visibility: hidden; /* Element is invisible but takes up space */ } .transparent-element { opacity: 0; /* Element is invisible but takes up space */ } .covered-element { height: 0; width: 0; overflow: hidden; }
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